  • Many individuals in Asia and around the world experience profound feelings of isolation.

  • Our customer is creating a conversational agent designed to serve as a companion to users.

  • This dialog agent can retain user details and recognize emotions in both the user's speech and text content.

  • DRL has leveraged cutting-edge NLP technologies to develop a full-fledged Dialog Agent compatible with Alexa or Google devices (currently accessible through closed beta).

Business Impact
  • Project is in the active development phase, and currently is purely technical without any business part.

Tech challenges
  • The system must be capable of simulating various recognized voices, including that of Scarlett Johansson.

  • Voice generation should encompass 15 distinct emotions and levels of intensity.

  • The voice must be generated in less than 1/100th of a second, regardless of the audio duration.

  • The system should engage in conversations with users, demonstrate common sense, retain a vast amount of information, and function offline (distinct from Google Assistant).

  • The system is expected to successfully pass the Turing Test (Imitation game).


2 weeks

Architecture Design

2 weeks were spent designing a scalable and robust architecture for the consultant, ensuring it could handle a large number of users and integrate seamlessly with the client’s existing systems.


3 weeks

Data Integration

Over 3 weeks, various data sources were integrated, including conversational datasets, emotional databases, and user preferences, to provide the AI with comprehensive data for accurate and personalized interactions.


4 weeks

Backend Development

4 weeks were spent developing the backend, focusing on the application’s core functionalities, such as natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms.


2 weeks

UI Design

The UI design phase took 2 weeks, during which an intuitive and user-friendly interface for the virtual girlfriend was created.


1 week


Integrating the application with the client’s existing platforms took 1 week

Case Study Info

  • Industry:
    Virtual Assistant
  • Stack:
    AWS, GCP, PyTorch, Python, React Native, TensorFlow, Scala


  • Advanced Emotional Intelligence
  • Personalized Interactions
  • High Engagement and Retention
Case Study

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